Title | Artist | Label | Year |
soundbite re: the announcement of the invasion of Grenada by the U.S.A. on October 25, 1983 | unavailable | unavailable | 1983 |
War | Edwin Starr | Gordy Records | 1970 |
soundbite re: the announcement of the first peacetime draft lottery | President Franklin D. Roosevelt | unavailable | 1940 |
Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys | The Equals | Shout Records | 1970 |
Duel Of The Fates | John Williams & The London Symphony Orchestra | unavailable | unavailable |
Interlude | Mutabaruka | unavailable | unavailable |
Natural Mystic | Dennis Brown | Shocking Vibes Records | 1992 |
soundbite: Doomsday, Pts. 1 & 2 | Sharon Gordon | not applicable | 2023 |
State Of The World | Inner Circle | Shanachie Records | unavailable |
soundbite: Operation Desert Storm begins | unavailable | unavailable | 1991 |
War Pigs - Luke's Wall | Black Sabbath | Warner Bros. Records | 1970 |
War Tremors | Isaac Fergusson | not applicable | 2023 |
soundbite: announcement that Adolf Hitler is dead | Benito Mussolini | unavailable | unavailable |
soundbite: Doomsday, Pts. 3 | Sharon Gordon | not applicable | 2023 |
soundbite re: the start of the Ukraine war | Breno Altman | not applicable | 2023 |
soundbite re: testing of the atomic bomb | unavailable | unavailable | 1953 |
No Nuclear War | Peter Tosh | EMI Records | 2002 |
soundbite re: how to survive a nuclear blast | unavailable | unavailable | unavailable |
soundbite re: the history of wars | Isaac Fergusson | not applicable | 2023 |
Masters Of War | Bob Dylan | Columbia Records | 1963 |
soundbite re: the state of the world | Prime Minister Of Barbados | unavailable | unavailable |
World Crisis | Dub Tonic Kru | Dub Tonic Kru Records | 2011 |
soundbites: 1) Declaration that a state of war exists between England and Germany. 2) Condemnation of Polish aggression | 1) Neville Chamberlain 2) Adolf Hitler | unavailable | unavailable |
Imagine [excerpt] | John Lennon | Apple Records | 1971 |
We Got To Have Peace | Curtis Mayfield | Curtom Records | 1971 |
soundbite: The Real Cost Of War | Howard Zinn | unavailable | unavailable |
Eve Of Destruction | Luciano | RAS Records | 2005 |
soundbites: 1) The U.S. drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. 2) Japan surrenders ending the war in the Pacific. 3) Announcement that the Soviet Union has the bomb | all unavailable | unavailable | unavailable |
No More Weapons | Steel Pulse | Sanctuary Records | 2004 |
soundbite re: the history of wars in Kiev | Vivian Goldman | not applicable | 2023 |
Stop The War Now | Edwin Starr | Gordy Records | 1970 |